Re: Favorite ultralight diacritical marks
LucasFonts’ recent Koning Display comes with an alternate set of monolinear punctuation and diacritics.3 -
Re: Looking for information on early-twentieth-century letterpress book face
George William Jones was British, but his Estienne typeface was available from the Mergenthaler Linotype company in Brooklyn.1 -
Re: WF Schelter Antiqua, another resurrected Art Nouveau type
Good choice, Oliver! Schelter-Antiqua was an important, influential, and widely used typeface. It deserves a decent digitization.Let me know if you need a scan of a glyph set for the italic Schelter-…4 -
Re: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk alternative for web use
Basic Commercial as already mentioned by Craig is Akzidenz-Grotesk. It just has a different name for legal reasons. 4 weights plus italics, and 3 rounded weights. Gothic 725 is Bitstream’s digitizati…6 -
Re: Who is fontpeople.co.uk
From their profile at MyFonts: Harcombe is TDi 2018 graduate at the University of Reading. In 2017, he was appointed UK Sales Director by URW. One of the custom fonts shown on their website is Ryman …3